E x p e c t i n g . P a i r

Here you can see the expecting pair, the soon to be proud parents^^ Ah, isn't love grand...Someone shoot me...

The first couple expecting is, drumroll please, Gust and Legend! Yes, they are the first of each gender that I ever adopted, and so thus took it upon themselves to take care of the others. Legend was a bit stoic, and didn't want anything to get in her line of duty, and Gust was a bit chaotic and liked being a bachelor. They balanced each other out perfectly, there was obvious attraction, and all they needed was a little push several of them and now they are blissfully expecting ^^

Legend: Erm, Raven, have you had coffee? You're rambling again...

Gust: Yeah, now please leave, me and Legend need a little time alone ^.- *purrr*

Legend: -_-()

Sorry guys, I'm just so happy for you!

Graphics copyrighted the Ojee Adoption Center NO STEALING!!!