Yes, read the title and you can guess what this section is about ^^() A shoutout to my
A special page just for you guys! See?! YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!! *coughBethanycough*
You guys, please don't hurt me over this, pretty please? ^.^ ()
Star: Hi! How are things in Dater? I'm still mad you left me here. *Sniff* It's so lonely...everyone's gone!! Well, what's up with you, you haven't calle dme in forever. Still writing those X-rated stories ^^ Still obssessed with boys *heehee*
Youre going to kill me for that, aren't you?
Samantha: Or Opal...Or Sammy...Or Tea...Or Kairi... You have soooooooo many nicknames it's amazing! Here she is folks, the girl who got me started on anime! And drawing! Because she's a drawing goddess!! Haha! How're things in Clark? Do you still act like Serena? Man it's been so long, you better e-mail me soon! Wish I had AIM...
Heavena: Hey Heaven, sup? Too bad we can only see each other a few times a year... Oh well, till then ^^ Damn girl, you've changed so much. First you were a tomboy, and now you're actually acting like a guy ^_^ I don't mind, wahtever, but you're goin to scare some people, lol ^^ Well anyways, keep drwing, cause you rock, and you're right, YYH rocks!! So does Kenshin ^_^ Till your mom's next party!
Dan: Poor you, you're the only guy who's on this page. Hell, you probably won't come here anyways, unless I tell you, whatever... So, uh, what to say? I can still so kick your ass at DDR, so get better so I can have a good rival! Sheesh. How's memorizing that speech goin? I still haven't started! Now we must kung fu fight! God, I'm being so frickin random *rolls eyes* anyways, Bush sux, Kerry for '04 and see ya!