M a l e s

And here are the rowdy one of the bunch, the guys! Okay, so only some are rowdy XD. Well, anyways here are the fathers and such, and if they're not rowdy they're troublesome ^^

Name: Gust of the Wailing Rain (Gust)
Gender: male
Body Build: average
Ear Type: bent
Muzzle Type: draconic
Leg Type: normal (3' total height)
Tail Type: ended- scythe tipped
Fur Type: plush
Color Pattern: blue jay
Color Categories: Teal, Grey, Teal
Actual Colors: ice, white, cyan
Mutations: mystic- evil, elemental- water

Name: Ember of the Violet Fury (Ember)
Gender: male
Body Build: average
Ear Type: rabbit
Muzzle Type: draconic
Leg Type: normal (3' total height)
Tail Type: one or two rows of vertical diamond plates
Fur Type: plush
Color Pattern: blue jay
Color Categories: Grey, Grey, Teal
Actual Colors: white, silver, aquamarine
Mutations: elemental- air, elemental- air

Name: Galloper of the Dusking Emerald (Dusk)
Gender: male
Body Build: average
Ear Type: finned
Muzzle Type: bird
Leg Type: normal (3' total height)
Tail Type: tailtip spikes
Fur Type: plush
Color Pattern: blue jay
Color Categories: Teal, Magenta, Magenta
Actual Colors: ice, pink, magenta
Mutations: elemental- air, elemental- electric

Name: Catcher of the Lonely Frost (Frost)
Gender: male
Body Build: obese
Ear Type: fox
Muzzle Type: spider
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: bat
Fur Type: wavy
Color Pattern: diamondback
Color Categories: Blue, Yellow, Blue
Actual Colors: cobalt, cream, robin's egg
Mutations: insectoid, can heal/regenerate

Name: Runner of the Roaring Star (Star)
Gender: male
Body Build: muscular (+5")
Ear Type: giraffe prongs
Muzzle Type: beak
Leg Type: stilted (+1)
Tail Type: feathered- only on the top
Fur Type: satiny-medium length
Color Pattern: giraffe (2 colors)
Color Categories: Green, Red
Actual Colors: forest green, tomato
Mutations: carries primary natural and winged, shows winged- flying squirrel, tentacles
Other Notes: tail completely by dumb luck, did not breed to get

Name: Sapphire of the Velvet Fury (Saph)
Gender: male
Body Build: slender (3'10" total height)
Ear Type: fox
Muzzle Type: fox
Leg Type: Stilted
Tail Type: feline
Fur Type: sphinx (hairless)
Colour Pattern: Exotic
Color Categories: Grey
Actual Colors: Soot
Mutations: extra limbs, prismatic- sonar magic
Notes: will breed as an Exotic despite looking solid-colored :)

Name: Poison of the Brilliant Possession mal Dream (Poison)
Sex: Male
Height: 4'0"
Build: Average
Legs: Stilted
Fur: Hairless
Ears: Antennae
Muzzle: Equine
Tail: Rat
Mutations Shown: Albino. Firefly belly.
Mutations Carried: Part golem. Horned.
Colour Pattern: Orca
Colour: Tan (BR), Emerald (GR)
Adopted from the Sanctum Dream Squall!

Name: Soarer of the Cool Paws (Soarer)
Gender: male
Body Build: average (3' total height)
Ear Type: rabbit
Muzzle Type: rat
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: feathered only on the sides
Fur Type: normal (short)
Color Pattern: Exotic
Color Categories: (3 colors) Grey, Red, Orange
Actual Colors: Lead, Brick, Peach
Mutations: porcupine spines, hydra- 3 heads

Name: Breaking of the Melodic Tail (Melody)
Gender: male
Body Build: skeletal
Ear Type: giraffe prongs
Muzzle Type: fox
Leg Type: normal (2'7" total height)
Tail Type: furry tail tip tuft
Fur Type: hairless (sphinx)
Color Pattern: calico
Color Categories: Blue, Blue, Brown
Actual Colors: robin's egg, navy, bark
Mutations: cyborg, elemental mane- water

Name: Cloud of the Lilting Illusion (Illusion)
Gender: male
Body Build: average (4' tall)
Ear Type: fox
Muzzle Type: horse muzzle
Leg Type: stilted
Tail Type: feathered- whippy, covered in feathers
Fur Type: bristly
Color Pattern: chipmunk
Color Categories: Purple, Brown, Green
Actual Colors: violet, fawn, emerald
Mutations: part golem, biped

Name: Prancer of the Flowing Fire (Fyre)
Gender: male
Body Build: average
Ear Type: rabbit
Muzzle Type: beak
Leg Type: stilted (+1 to height)
Tail Type: rabbit
Fur Type: long
Color Pattern: okapi (3 colors)
Color Categories: Y/O, Y/O, P/B
Actual Colors: lemon, mango, chocolate
Mutations: horned, golem
F1 Mutations Carried: carries undead, winged- four wings retractable pteradactyl

Name: Hope of the Satin Heavens
Gender: male
Body Build: slender (3'10" total height)
Ear Type: antennae
Muzzle Type: draconic
Leg Type: Stilted
Tail Type: finned down length
Fur Type: sphinx (hairless)
Colour Pattern: Exotic
Color Categories: Purple, Brown, Red, Brown
Actual Colors: lavender, bronze, brick, tan
Mutations: prismatic- solar magic, extra limbs

Name: Fog of the Fuzzy Desert
Gender: male
Body Build: slender (3'10" total height)
Ear Type: antennae
Muzzle Type: spider
Leg Type: Stilted
Tail Type: 4 tailtip spikes
Fur Type: sphinx (hairless)
Colour Pattern: Exotic
Color Categories: Blue, Purple, Brown, Blue
Actual Colors: cerulean, lavender, tan, robin's egg
Mutations: prismatic magic- light, extra limbs

Name: Dance of the Dying Cloud
Gender: male
Body Build: average
Ear Type: earless
Muzzle Type: fox
Leg Type: normal (3' total height)
Tail Type: lapine (rabbit)
Fur Type: plush
Color Pattern: blue jay
Color Categories: Teal, Teal, Grey
Actual Colors: cyan, cyan, white
Mutations: mystic- neutrality, elemental- metal

Name: Galloper of the Bright Stone
Gender: male
Body Build: skeletal (2'7" total height)
Ear Type: antennae
Muzzle Type: draconic
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: finned down length
Fur Type: short
Color Pattern: Ladybug
Color Categories: Red, Red
Actual Colors: rust, rouge
Mutations: regeneration, firefly belly
Mutations Carried (optional): extra eyes, regeneration

Name: Envy of the Deadly Sins
Sex: Male
Height: 3'0"
Build: Average
Legs: Normal
Fur: Silky
Ears: Fox
Muzzle: Llama
Tail: Fur-tuft
Mutations Shown: Mystic magic (Evil). Demonic (limited edition, cannot be inherited).
Mutations Carried: Part elemental. Elemental magic.
Colour Pattern: Fox
Colour: Orange (O), Black (GY), Soot (GY)
Adopted from the Sanctum Dream Squall

Name: Gnosis of the Sanctum Air
Sex: Male
Height: 3'7"
Build: Skeletal
Legs: Stilted
Fur: Bristly
Ears: Fur-tufts
Muzzle: Draconic
Tail: Tipped (plain)
Mutations Shown: Ten eyes. Six limbs.
Mutations Carried: Prismatic magic. Extra mouth.
Colour Pattern: Diamondback
Colour: Iron (GY), Midnight (P), White (GY)
Adopted from the Sanctum Dream Squall

Name: Spectre of the Chromatic Glacier
Gender: male
Body Build: average (3' total height)
Ear Type: giraffe
Muzzle Type: beak
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: furred down length
Fur Type: silky
Color Pattern: tiger
Color Categories: Grey, Blue, Blue
Actual Colors: soot, slate, navy
Mutations: prismatic magic- rainbow, paw mutation- hooves
Mutations Carried (optional): extra mouth, part golem

Name: Flare of the Watching Storm
Gender: male
Body Build: slender (2'10" total height)
Ear Type: rabbit
Muzzle Type: shark
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: tailtip spikes
Fur Type: short
Color Pattern: flame
Color Categories: Yellow, Yellow, Yellow
Actual Colors: cream, gold, khaki
Mutations: albino, serpentine (no limbs)
Mutations Carried (optional): hydra, deaf/blind

Name: Hoax of the Sanctum Air
Sex: Male
Height: 3'7"
Build: Skeletal
Legs: Stilted
Fur: Bristly
Ears: Fox
Muzzle: Draconic
Tail: Tipped (whale)
Mutations Shown: Handlike forepaws. Sterile.
Mutations Carried: Prismatic magic. Cyborg.
Colour Pattern: Diamondback
Colour: Lavender (P), Lead (GY), Khaki (Y)
Adopted from the Sanctum Dream Squall

Name: Leaf of the Divine Wind
Gender: male
Body Build: average
Ear Type: earless
Muzzle Type: beak
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: tailtip tuft
Fur Type: long
Color Pattern: Exotic
Color Categories: Yellow, Brown, Brown
Actual Colors: mustard, bark, bronze
Mutations: antelope horns, bird wings
Mutations Carried (optional): feet mutation, porcupine spines

Name: Morning of the Coarse Sticks
Sex: Male
Height: 5'0"
Build: Obese
Legs: Stilted
Fur: Plush
Ears: Fox
Muzzle: Rodent
Tail: Multiple (2, spiked (2))
Mutations Shown: Part golem. Two limbs.
Mutations Carried: Part golem. Part golem.
Colour Pattern: Okapi
Colour: Brick (R), Maroon (R), Coral (R)
Adopted from the Sanctum Dream Squall

Name: Fortitude of the Heavenly Virtues
Sex: Male
Height: 3'0"
Build: Average
Legs: Normal
Fur: Wavy
Ears: Fox
Muzzle: Fox
Tail: Rabbit
Mutations Shown: Mystic magic (Good). Angelic (limited edition, cannot be inherited).
Mutations Carried: Part elemental. Part elemental.
Colour Pattern: Flame
Colour: White (GY), Gold (Y), Black (GY)
Adopted from the Sanctum Dream Squall

Name: Rock of the Running Ruler
Gender: male
Body Build: muscular (4'5")
Ear Type: lop-eared
Muzzle Type: equine
Leg Type: stilted
Tail Type: quilled all over
Fur Type: short
Color Pattern: Exotic
Color Categories: Grey, Blue, Fuchsia
Actual Colors: silver, cobalt, salmon
Mutations: mystic magic: stasis, serpentine (all limbs)
Mutations Carried (optional): one pair of limbs, feathered headcrest

Name: Seduction of the Demonic Lure
Gender: male
Body Build: average (3' tall)
Ear Type: fox
Muzzle Type: draconic
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: spiked down length
Fur Type: short
Color Pattern: Solid
Color Categories: Red, red
Actual Colors: red, maroon
Mutations: extra mouth, bat wings
Mutations Carried (optional): cyborg, facial horns
Raven: The squall's first ojee'anien, evil ojee. ^^ isn't he cute! His image is with the males, but, he's really not allowed around the other ojee, unless I'm supervising...

Name: Ripper of the Golden Life
Gender: Male
Body Build: Average 3'
Ear Type: Rabbit
Muzzle Type: Draconic
Leg Type: normal
Tail Type: Feline
Fur Type: short
Color Pattern: Piebald
Color Categories: grey, yellow
Actual Colors: white, gold
Mutations: extra eyes (2), undead
Mutations Carried (optional): Armadillo, extra mouth
Adopted from The Silver Hawk Song

Name: Sorceror of the Black Arts
Gender: Male
Height: 3'0"
Build: Average
Legs: Normal
Fur: Silky
Ears: Bent
Muzzle: Spider
Tail: Fox
Mutation #1: Prismatic magic (Ash)
Mutation #2: Part golem
Carries: Feathered crest. Feathered crest.
Pattern: Exotic (2)
Colour: Soot (GY), Crimson (R)
Rank: Beta
Squalls 2nd Ojee'aanien, adopted from the Sanctum Dream

Graphics copyrighted CD Steele, Phoenix, and Orona No Stealing!!!